Focus on ‘BIPAP’ and CPAP
The practical, hands-on, all you need to know, intensive, one-day course on Non Invasive Ventilation and CPAP for the practicing physician on Thursday, 1 December 2005, in London
Emergency Nurse Practitioner: The First Four Hours
A practical two-day national conference for Emergency Nurse Practitioners, Consultant Nurses, Senior A&E Nurses and Trainee ENP’s on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 November 2005, in central London
The First Four Hours
A practical three-day national conference for Doctors dealing with patients presenting to Emergency Departments, on 19–21 October 2005, in London
Critical Care and Applied Physiology Crammer Course for Surgical Oral Examinations
Aimed at: MRCS and Intercollegiate Assessment in General Surgery Candidates. Two day course on 24 – 25 September 2005, in central London
The First Four Hours
A practical three-day national conference for Doctors dealing with patients presenting to Emergency Departments, on 11–13 April 2005