Paediatric Plain Films 2024

Stream it now, with the on-demand catch-up service​

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60 minutes

Normal and variants of normal​

Picture of Dr Caren Landes

Dr Caren Landes

Consultant Paediatric Radiologist and Service Group Lead for Radiology, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool

60 minutes


Picture of Dr Marina Easty

Dr Marina Easty

Consultant paediatric radiologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust

60 minutes

Non Traumatic Bone Pathology

Picture of Dr Dave Garbera

Dr Dave Garbera

Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool

60 minutes

Skeletal Dysplasias

Picture of Professor Amaka Offiah

Professor Amaka Offiah

Chair of Paediatric Musculoskeletal Imaging and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, University of Sheffield and Sheffield Children's Hospital

60 minutes

Chest X-ray

Picture of Dr Tobi Aderotimi

Dr Tobi Aderotimi

Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

60 minutes

The end of the day Quiz and a case mix!

Picture of Dr Caren Landes

Dr Caren Landes

Consultant Paediatric Radiologist and Service Group Lead for Radiology, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool

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About this course

To provide all radiographers, radiology trainees, emergency physicians and paediatricians, with a practical and comprehensive webinar covering a wide range of paediatric plain films that are encountered, including normal variants, with a view to improve diagnostic confidence when reporting ED, inpatient, and outpatient films.

Sessions will be delivered by a faculty of established practicing consultant paediatric radiologists, experts in their fields, with comprehensive knowledge of the paediatric plain films and a long and extensive experience in advancing the knowledge and skills of peers nationally and internationally.

More about the course:

By the end of the webinar, participants will have:

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Course director

Picture of Dr Caren Landes

Dr Caren Landes

Consultant Paediatric Radiologist and Service Group Lead for Radiology, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK

Dr Caren Landes was appointed a Consultant Radiologist at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust in 2006 and has been Clinical Lead for Radiology since 2012.

Her special interests include musculoskeletal radiology and trauma, particularly imaging in inflicted injury.
She is the radiology lead for child protection, rheumatology, orthopaedic and skeletal dysplasia multidisciplinary meetings at Alder Hey. Dr Landes is radiology trauma lead and has contributed to the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) guidance on imaging in paediatric trauma. As a result of her expertise she receives both regional and national referrals for review of musculoskeletal imaging from radiological and clinical colleagues with an emphasis on imaging in cases of suspected inflicted injury.

Faculty members

Picture of Dr Tobi Aderotimi

Dr Tobi Aderotimi

Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Picture of Dr Marina Easty

Dr Marina Easty

Consultant Paediatric Radiologist Great Ormond Street Hospital, London

Picture of Dr Dave Garbera

Dr Dave Garbera

Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool

Picture of Professor Amaka Offiah

Professor Amaka Offiah

Chair of Paediatric Musculoskeletal Imaging and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, University of Sheffield and Sheffield Children's Hospital

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Delegate feedback from the first course in January 2024

  • Loved it! I would reduce the number of cases significantly though to stop talks running over. In half the talks they had to skip over slides, and in the others they ran over .Provide the cases that you cut out as ‘self tests’ that we can access afterwards and look at in our own time.
  • Really good, supposed it was so smooth, obviously there were a couple of issues.
  • Online format, interactive style, great overview of a wide range of topics.
  • Excellent preparation
  • interactive, non trauma pathology and normal variants
  • Friendly, enthusiastic presenters in the main . Good broad coverage
  • Interactive Varied cases Virtual so easily accessible
  • delivery, interactive, sharing knowledge
  • Presenters were great 2. Platform worked really well 3. Separate place for images is a great idea
  • Excellent faculty ,Good interaction and support.
  • organization of the timetable
  • Assessment of bone images/periosteal reactions Good session on normal variations
  • quality of presenters, range of images, starting with normal variants
  • Having the PACS X-rays to view on my screen, the pathology session and the quiz session
  • The pre course materials and explanation videos, how some of the lecturers highlighted the main key points to understand and gain from their presentation and the interaction during each presentation via the poll
  • Quality presentations on paediatric Xray interpretation learnt on several good points throughout the day with Slido interactive quiz
  • Up to the point with review of essentials
  • Content, delivery, case mix
  • Support from IT perspective Quiz at the end Polls
  • Very informative and helpful, the trauma part was the best
  • Course was advertised for radiographers as well as radiologists, I found the three morning sessions very helpful and applicable to my own job role
  • engaging, building on prior knowledge, being able to make my diagnosis in the quiz and slido’s
  • looking at x-rays, and being ablet to pick out normal from abnormal. will need more time to go through the cases
  • Variety of topics covered, enthusiasm of the speakers, good use of images and ease of use of PACS to view them
  • good cover of relevant topics
  • Very interactive, relevant paediatric lecturers, being able to access the xrays prior to the study day.
  • More confidence
  • Increase confidence at interpretation/questioning images
  • It gave me a bit more confidence in my abilities and helped highlight areas I’m perhaps lacking in knowledge
  • Very useful
  • Improve my confidence when looking at XRs as a paed ED doctor.
  • Lots of new knowledge and things to be aware of when viewing radiological imaging.
  • It will help me to better diagnose and provide better clinical care and support colleagues.
  • I will have more understand.
  • NAI awareness + bone pathology terminology
  • This will help towards my ongoing learning
  • I will feel more confident in reviewing non traumatic pathologies X-rays as Dave did a great job in that session
  • Will help in Paediatric Xray interpretation in ED
  • Very helpful in everyday practice
  • Excellent refresher course.
  • The NAI bit gave me more insight on what our radiologists are looking for.
  • More knowledge
  • Definitely gave me lots to think about
  • i will be more confident to comment on fractures and pathological bone lesions and know when to discuss with orthopaedics
  • being able to identify a normal xray from an abnormal
  • This has increased my confidence in reporting paediatric plain film images and has given me a valuable insight into paediatric chest x-rays which is something I am not currently able to report but would like to develop my scope of practice into.
  • more confident in my role
  • I feel more confident looking at normal variants.

Delegate feedback from the first course in January 2023

  • Great coverage, i have learnt a lot and feel more confident with paed reporting
  • Brilliantly run and i would definitely consider a similar course only for paediatricians
  • So impressed with the whole day, well done Infomed
  • I really enjoyed this. As a paediatrician not working in ED I would have liked more CXR and less neonates/trauma- but understand you need to cover everyone’s needs.
  • A very good service/support from Infomed
  • Excellent viewing and useful videos by organiser regarding use of PACS 
  • Very easy system to use. great instructions and support throughout if needed
  • Better than the PACS we have at my hospital! Easier to use. 
  • It was definitely worth looking at before today as recommended 
  • Very good IT support they helped me through during the first session. That was great, many thanks!
  • I liked the content, the polls and I enjoyed the quiz
  • Accessible, informal, good level of expertise of presenters
  • Great presenters, good clear content and quizzing
  • Remote access rather than being there in person…loved this!! Caren and David and Slido as a way to communicate
  • It was very well organised, informative and good range of speakers and expertise.
  • Informative, variety, delivery, anonymity
  • Coverage of the topic, interactive sessions and interesting cases presented.
  • Lots of high quality images. Slido kept me involved and the Structured approach of the day and the talks.
  • Informative, succinct and important topics covered 
  • Great to sees so many Xrays, good broad teaching, very beneficial
  • Plain film image selection good. and take home points about specific cases 
  • The fact I could sit on my own home and go through the course without interruption I could ask questions about things I wasn’t sure There was ample explanation given for most of the cases viewed and at a pace easily understood
  • Interpretation or normal from abnormal x-rays 2. More info about NAI 3. Aggressive vs non-aggressive lesions classification on bone pathologies rather than being and malignant. 
  • Excellent streaming service. Excellent faculty Wide range of radiographs and conditions and very well organised and managed on the day.
  • The lectures were very informative and I learnt new things which I will look out for in my practice as a new reporter.
  • It will have a huge impact for daily reporting. increased confidence already to tackle some of the tricky ones.
  • It will certainly improve my approach to paediatric films in the trauma and non-trauma setting 
  • Help to reinforce my reporting skills and knowledge
  • Has given me more confidence to report paediatric cases
  • Increased confidence in paediatric reporting particularly when working weekends
  • Very good starting point for my learning before doing paediatric radiology rotation
  • It was informative and will aid when reporting.
  • The non-traumatic pathology will really help me in the future
  • Enhance my knowledge and increase my reporting accuracy. 
  • Good revision eg into periostial reaction. I’ll have more credibility reporting NAI surveys etc
  • Improved and revision will help 
  • More confidence in reading Xrays
  • This would most likely increase and maintain my knowledge with regards to X-rays and help me support the junior colleagues also
  • Improvement in interpretation of x-rays and patient care

Delegate feedback from the first course in January 2024

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Computer monitor displaying DICOM images

Access to cases for our imaging events

Our imaging courses are very much an interactive experience. Presentations are kept to the minimum and then you'll be into the fully featured cloud based DICOM viewer, looking at cases, feeding back your findings using our interactive tools. You'll get immediate feedback and learning points from our expert faculty member.

DICOM viewer
DICOM viewer
Sample the DICOM viewer here. A window will load below the buttons (best demonstrated on a computer rather than mobile device)
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Frequently asked questions

We will contact you by email one week before the course takes place with all the necessary links and joining information.

We will re-send the links the day before the course.

If you have not received an email from us please contact us at and we will respond ASAP.

NO. Infomed shall provide you, upon registration a link to stream the course within your web browser, or you can download a small application to run it as a separate window on your computer. If you would prefer a mobile device, we shall also include a link download an app from the Play Store/App Store.

YES! It is very much encouraged. There will be Q&A sessions chaired by Infomed. You can type your questions in the 'chat' facility and they will be put to the speakers.

You can find your catch-up in your account page.

At the end of the catch-up page you will find a link to the feedback form, which will generate your CPD certificate when you submit your feedback.

If the catch-up is not visible in your account, please contact us and we will amend your account ASAP.

Using the short videos below, we shall guide you through the process of joining a meeting using Webex. If joining from your own computer If you are connecting from your own device then it is likely that you will be able to join via the Webex application. If joining from a trust/institution computer However, if you are using a computer that is owned and restricted by your trust, then you may find it easier to join via your web browser. Please see the second video for guidance on this process.

Joining Webex using the application on your PC or Mac

Joining Webex using your web browser

Using the short videos below, we shall guide you through the process of opening the PACS and then on to opening, manipulating, and closing a case. You are welcome to access our demo case set below
View demo cases here Password: INFOMED

Accessing the database and cases on PACS​

Advanced features of PACS​

When you connect to a course you should see some introductory slides and hear music.

If you cannot hear any music please check you are connected to the audio.

At the bottom of the webex meeting you may see a button that says "Connect to audio".

Click this and then select "Use computer for audio" in the pop-up box.

If you have connected by a browser you may need to give your browser access to your microphone in order to connect to the audio.

Click the padlock in the top left of your browser and make sure microphone access is allowed

If this does not resolve your issue please email us or call us on 0204 520 5081

To join an Infomed Online course you simply need an internet connection and a browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari).

You can also connect from a mobile device: Download the Webex Meetings app from your App Store.

To join a course with a smooth experience, your internet connection must be stable, not connected to a VPN and at least 20Mbps download.

Below you can use the tool to run an internet speed test.

You must test from:

  • -- the location that you intend the see the course from;
  • -- withing the location, if using Wi-Fi, the room or department area that you intend to view the course from to ensure a good signal
  • -- if connecting from home, a computer that is not connected to a workplace VPN

Internet Speed Test

Please test your connection speed at

To join a course with a smooth experience, your internet connection must be stable, not connected to a VPN and at least 20Mbps download.


Paediatric elbow x-ray, Paediatric chest x-ray, Paediatric hand x-ray

Course fee

Catch-up version

£70 – Radiographers/ACP/ENP
£100 – Trainees
£145 – Consultants

All fees inc VAT